No new logins are possible during the maintenance work. Users who are already logged in will not be disturbed and the maintenance will not affect the rest of the cluster. All frontends are still available, as is the batch system with its computing nodes.
At the moment, some issues with the file systems that impact the performance are observed. File access can be severely delayed consequently. The issue is currently under investigation.
We were not able to identify the root cause of the observed issues and are still working on a solution.
Due to maintenance tasks on a cluster-wide scale that cannot be performed online, the whole batch service will be suspended for the maintenance. The Regapp is also affected by the maintenance.
The infrastructure of the HOME and WORK filesystems will also be under maintenance. Hence, the frontend nodes will be inacessible as well until the pending tasks are completed.
Due to delays in servicing the file systems, the cluster maintenance needs to be prolonged.
Due to delays in deploying the updated file system, the maintenance hat do be prolonged.
Due to a scheduled kernel update, the jupyterhub node is temporarily unavailable. The node will be available again, as soon as the update is completed.
---English Version below--- Heute Abend kam es gegen ca. 20:25 - 21:00 zu einem Performance-Tief des SSO-Service und wurde innerhalb dieser Zeit von der Fachabteilung geprüft. Das Problem ist behoben und schnelle Logins ohne Wartezeiten sind wieder möglich. ---English--- This evening around 20:25 - 21:00 there was a performance low in the SSO service and was checked by the specialist department during this time. The problem has been solved and fast logins without waiting times are possible again.